Linking documents together is the very essence of the web. It's how you got here. Intentionally breaking these links is the most destructive thing you can do.
Yesterday my hostname with Dyn,, stopped working. According to their forums, it's gone forever. All hostnames are subject to this.
You can't pay them to get it back! It's Gone! Forever.There are mechanics within the HTTP and DNS protocols to address when things change. Dyn has chosen, however, to ignore that and instead proactively dismantle the web.
The links people posted on sites like reddit, hackernews, metafilter, hackaday, facebook, twitter, google plus, and various forums - these are now broken forever. I spent all day writing emails to tell people to update their content.
This is the most public mechanism I have for the rest. I wish I could forward these links. I wish I could edit all the anchor tags. I wish I could fix this, somehow. But I can't. It's concretely not possible.
Shame on Dyn. That was completely irresponsible. They know better.